Friday, July 27, 2007

Am I A Bad Friend?

Ok, i have this friend (we're both 17) who ALWAYS has a boyfriend. the other day she broke up with her now ex-boyfriend, who she fought long and hard to go out with cuz her dad is prejudice-but that's besides the point, to go out with another guy. i have never had a "real" boyfriend and i find myself jealous of her always having a guy. it's like she has a compulsion to always date. anyway, not having anyone is really lowering my self-esteem and it makes me feel like i have a hole in my heart that i'm starting to wonder will ever get filled. i hate being lonely, and her always having someone is depressing me. i try to tell her this but she says that guys are a**holes. well they're obviously not if she keeps on going out with them. so what i want to know is if i'm a bad friend for being jealous, and if there is anyone who knows where i'm coming from.

Submitted anonymously

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